
Taiga Someya(染谷大河) is a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo, Oseki Laboratory. He is mainly engaged in research in the field of natural language processing. In recent years, he has also been conducting applied research on deep learning technology in soccer. He is a former U-15/16 Japan national team candidate and played for Kashiwa Reysol U-18 (Soccer).

CV can be found here.



Ph.D. student @ Oseki Lab, The University of Tokyo


  • 2024.04 - 2027.03: Advanced AI Talent Development to Lead the Next-Generation Intelligent Society (BOOST NAIS)(280,000 yen/month + 540,000 yen/year)
  • (2024.04 - 2027.03): Fostering Advanced Human Resources to Lead Green Transformation (SPRING GX)(180,000 yen/month + 340,000 yen/year, transfered to BOOST NAIS)
  • 2023.06 - 2024.03: MITOU Program (Exploratory IT Human Resources Project) (budget: 2,736,000 yen; Project name: Training Data Analysis System for Soccer Goalkeepers)
  • 2023.12 - 2024.07: KAKUSEI Project 2023 Deep Tech Talent Development Program (budget: 3,000,000 yen; Project name: Development of a Large-Scale Multimodal Model with Input-Possible Agent Movement and Action Series)


  1. FY2023 MITOU Program (Exploratory IT Human Resources Project) “Super Creators”, 2024.06.
  2. LREC-COLING 2024 Best Paper Award, 2024.05
  3. 2024 The Association for Natural Language Processing Annual Conference Committee Special Award, 2024.03
  4. 2024 The Association for Natural Language Processing Annual Conference Fujitsu Award, 2024.03
  5. 2023 Sports Data Science Competition Soccer Division Excellence Award, 2024.01.
  6. 2023 The University of Tokyo Todai to Texas Demo Day Award, 2023.11.
  7. JSAI Annual Conference (37th) Student Incentive Award, 2023.09.


  • 2024.04 - Present: Ph.D., Department of Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • 2022.04 - 2024.03: M.S., Department of Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • 2018.04 - 2022.03: B.A., College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Work Experiences

Teaching Experiences

  • 2022.04 - 2022.09: Teaching Assistant (TA) at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan


  • 『リバプールと Google が手を組んだ戦術提案 AI の革新性。論文からサッカー分析の未来を研究者と読む』, footballista
  • 『AI とゲーム理論の融合が導く、サッカープレー評価の最先端研究と未来』 , footballista


  • 『常識を覆す日本発のフットボール・データ・イノベーション』, FOOT×BRAIN(テレビ東京)
  • 『将来的には「新たな指標の開発」も。東大ア式蹴球部エンジニアリングユニット改め、『UTokyo Football Lab.』が目指すもの』, footballista
  • 『アニメをAIで吹き替え・3D画像に触れたような感触…米ITイベント、日本の大学発の技術に注目』, 読売新聞
  • 『元レイソルユース副将がなぜ東大に? “幻の東京五輪代表”が明かす後悔「冨安や堂安が活躍する姿を見てしまうと…」』, Number Web